What is Supply Chain Resilience?

Managing or operating a supply chain is an extremely complex process that has many moving parts. Be it local or global, supply chains have a lot of moving parts that allow for timely deliveries, manufacturing, and more. Due to the sheer number of factors involved in a supply chain, the threat of disruption is immense. These vulnerabilities include such things as trade wars, natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and even theft. This means building something called supply chain resilience into your operation is critical.

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Intermodal vs. Transloading

Intermodal and transloading shipping allows for a smooth and easy moving process between trucks and trains. Because of the simple fact that railroad tracks simply don’t exist in that many locations, this type of shipping is often unavoidable. Single-mode services often can no longer keep up like they used to. This is where intermodal and transloading come into play. Both intermodal and transloading shipping are extremely beneficial; however, they do have slight differences. Let’s discuss what each of them is and where those differences lie.

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How Supply Chains Can Prepare For The Holiday Season

The holiday season is quite an exciting and bustling time here in the United States. From Halloween to the New Year, the energy turns magical. While it can be a wonderfully buzzing time for consumers, it’s downright the busiest and most stressful for supply chains. This is the time of the year they’ve been waiting for and strategic preparation is crucial. Having a plan in place can get retailers armed and ready for what can often be an unpredictable season.

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Cyber Security Tips for Logistics Employees

The best defense a logistics company can employ against cyber security threats is well-informed and well-trained employees. In fact, computers and technology can only be as good as the people who use them. Therefore, it is not enough to install firewalls and data encryption software.

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What is Transportation Infrastructure?

Transportation infrastructure refers to the structures, foundations, and systems that allow for the transport of people and goods. It is a crucial part of providing transport services.

It plays a key role in the production of transport services which, in turn, allows the market exchange of final goods and inputs. In a broader sense, transport services provide welfare benefits (e.g., travel time savings). Given its central economic role, many people often refer to transport infrastructure as the backbone of a modern economy.

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What is a Supply Chain Bottleneck?

What is a supply chain bottleneck? Imagine it’s a normal day and you’re headed to the grocery store to stock up. All of a sudden, you can’t find that last item on your list. You walk around the store searching from top to bottom, and you swear you saw this product the last time you went shopping. After a while of fruitless searching, you end up asking the staff for help. With a few steps and turns, you find the product.

Suddenly, when checking out the cashier finds the card reader isn’t working and scrambles to find a manager to fix it. For a long time, you stand there with your groceries, waiting for the staff to fix the issue. Once resolved, they apologize for the long delay, and you’re on your way. However, when you leave the store, it starts to rain. You scramble to get to your car without getting too wet. Inside your vehicle, your hair is soaked but your groceries are okay.

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Trucking Rebound 2021 Outlook

Most practitioners in the trucking industry wish they could go back to 2018 when there were tremendous freight volumes and increased customer demand. In that year, the overall industry revenue was $96 billion, a figure that was unachievable in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, the industry suffered a large drop in freight rates that left many companies struggling to cover their operational costs and pay their employees. But there seems to be some hope for freight companies and truck drivers in 2021. Should they look forward to a trucking rebound this year? Stick around to find out.

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Thanking Road Maintenance Workers

The road maintenance workers that are tasked with taking care of our road in the winter are really heroes. They salt the roads and walkways and plow snow that we can all be safe. If you have a business or even if you live in a subdivision, they are the ones that keep you from being snowed in. With the holidays just around the corner, now is a great time to think about creative ways to give thanks to your road maintenance workers.

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Balancing Brick and Mortar with E-Commerce Today

When it comes to retail, the landscape is ever-evolving. The entry of eCommerce has changed the way that people shop. However, even though online shopping is growing, people still like the customer experience that shopping in a brick and mortar store provides. As a business owner, balancing brick and mortar with e-commerce is more important than ever before. Offering both of these experiences to your consumer is the best way to stay in business for the long haul.

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Keys To Retail Compliance

Retail Compliance is an important part of any business. However, compliance has a few different meanings. One aspect of compliance is ensuring that retail locations have the right look and setup and the other deals with contract and labor conditions. Both aspects of retail compliance work towards creating more traffic and more business while also ensuring that you are operating within the proper legal framework.

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