How do Holidays Affect the Supply Chain?

The holiday season is upon us, and for business owners, it’s the busiest time of the year. Consumers are starting to flip through the glossy, colorful pages of catalogs, scroll through websites, and fill up their carts online, and in stores, with lists in hand. While the idea of seeing an uptick in sales resulting in higher profits is certainly exciting, the holiday shopping season can spell trouble for global supply chains. Shipping products, meeting deadlines, and keeping tabs on invoices are just a few of the supply chain challenges during the holidays that can affect businesses.

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When Should Cross-Docking be Used?

Cross-docking is a practice in logistics that has received a lot of attention as of late. If you own and operate a distribution center or if you manage a shipping company, you’ve probably heard the term before. However, you’re probably wondering what exactly cross-docking is, and when it should be used. To learn more about this practice, keep on reading.

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What is Intermodal Trucking Services?

Intermodal trucking services are one of the hottest businesses to be in right now, but that’s not all. The intermodal shipping industry is also one of the most essential of all world industries. Intermodal transportation services are a huge reason why goods can get to stores and consumers on time all over the world.

What exactly are intermodal trucking services, and why do intermodal trucking companies make such a big difference to the business of world commerce and e-commerce? Here’s your quick guide, and everything you should know about intermodal freight transportation.

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How Does Inflation Affect Shipping?

Today, the United States and other countries all over the world are experiencing massive inflation. Since March 2020, when the covid crisis began, financial markets around the globe have taken a huge hit. Sadly, inflation affects every aspect of our lives, including all commodities, and the shipping and logistics industry has certainly been impacted. In fact, freight prices have been impacted for quite a while now. The effects of soaring commodity prices combined with high freight rates have made it very challenging for businesses in the shipping and logistics industry to remain profitable.

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Different Modes of Transportation: Transport and Logistics

When it comes to the world of trade, companies are always looking for ways to transport freight in the most cost effective and time efficient manner. As a result, transportation managers rely on efficient supply chain practices and different modes of transportation to ship goods. In order to build an effective supply chain it is important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each mode of transportation. The best way to choose the best mode of transportation is by understanding what makes each mode unique from the others.

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What’s the Difference Between B2C and DTC Logistics?

Companies selling products to consumers in the 21st century have more than one logistics option available to achieve higher sales figures. Logistics can be split up into two categories – B2C (business to consumer) and DTC (direct to consumer). Both B2C and DTC logistics models have pros and cons. After reading this article, we hope you’ll have a better idea of which one will work best for you and your business.

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How does Weather Affect Supply Chain?

From what you wear to the activities you engage in, weather affects every facet of life. In fact, every year, about 30 percent of America’s GDP is impacted by weather. As you can see, the impact of weather on the supply chain and thus, the economy, is high. As a business owner, weather conditions are outside of your control. However, there are strategies and systems that you can implement in order to keep tabs on possible supply chain disruptions and implement tactics to address them. How does the weather impact the global supply chain? Let’s take a look…

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What Happens When There Is Too Much Inventory On Hand?

Controlling inventory levels is critical for any business that sells goods to consumers. Inventory is the reason businesses exist and are able to make money. However, there can be a great deal of difficulty when it comes to managing inventory. Inventory costs money, therefore, if the inventory on hand is way more than customer demand, then there is a problem. Managing inventory is explained simply by having enough supply to meet the demand and perhaps a little bit more in order to keep up in periods when demand is high.

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Managing the Supply Chain Bullwhip Effect

The Bullwhip effect is an industry term that you are bound to encounter in the supply chain business. Even if you have never heard the term before, you are likely to have seen its effects in practice. The bullwhip effect is easy to picture, and it hits the supply chain like a type of increasing chain reaction. Picture a bullwhip being struck forward or the increasing vibration on a plucked guitar string. For supply chain businesses, the bullwhip effect can have negative consequences that are felt in every department. Here’s how to recognize and combat the supply chain bullwhip effect.

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How Does Transportation Affect the Price of Goods

Inflation has a lot to do with the cost of basic goods on the shelves. However, inflation isn’t the only factor that will affect the overall price of what consumers pay for their goods. Once you get past inflation, the second largest factor that affects consumer prices is transportation. Transportation is essential in the supply chain. Without transportation, goods aren’t going anywhere. When the price of transport goes up due to any factor, the cost of goods will naturally hike as a result of its effect on the supply chain. When warehouses and retailers pay more for goods transportation, consumers will pay more for their goods.

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